Imago: The Final Stage in a Process of Metamorphosis.

Welcome to Imago Studio

A space offering opportunities for development and growth
For children and adults, meeting obstacles in learning, behavioural, social and emotional skills,
where I offer therapeutic and artistic opportunities:

An individualised assessment and intervention programme to help children, teenagers and adults with learning, emotional and social challenges.
Learning and developing through the creative process of sculpture. Using the language of form and gesture, trans-forming the raw material into moving, living forms, bringing ideas into reality and expression.

“When you slow down enough to sculpt, you discover all kinds of things you never noticed before.” Karen J. Templeton

Our sense of touch is our primary sense where we learn about our Self and the Other, the World. In the Clay Field that Sense of Touch can be restored to bring back balance between the Self and the World.
SCULPTURES in stone, wood, ceramic and bronze.
Articles and Presentations, giving background information to what is available through the therapies.
- Child Observation for teacher and parent.
- Five senses? What about twelve! Sensory stimulation and sensory integration.
- Anxiety seen through the lens of the senses.
- Child Development as Foundation for Learning.
- The 7 Life Processes and Sculpture Therapy.
- A Conversation about the Extra Lesson Programme.
Imago Natural Modelling Wax, a natural alternative to plasticine, made with beeswax, food grade lanolin and lime (Calcium Carbonate)

Balance board: a locally made wooden balance board.