A balance board is a fun way of stimulating the sense of balance, the organ for which is based in the vestibular system in the inner ear. It is connected to every single muscle in our body, telling each one of them when to tighten or loosen so that we don’t fall over, so that we can hold our head still and read, see, think, focus… even when the rest of our body is in movement.
We not only have a sense of balance while we are in movement, but also in stillness. It is this still central point that gives us a reference point from which we see the world. Concepts like left, right, front, behind, above and below, all imply a central point. It is to the left of the middle, above the middle… and if the middle isn’t a secure safe place, that can influence reading, writing, (for example recognising the difference between a p, q, d and b) math’s, and also social skills: emotionally feeling secure when we meet something very different from us, and not be ‘thrown off balance’ and feel threatened.
The boards are made locally, with the help of a wonderful craftsman, Hartmut Kuwilski. The top is marine ply for strength and durability and the half round bases are made from macrocarpa. They are oiled with tung oil, which makes them feel warm on your feet, so also encouraging the sense of touch through your feet. They can be easily wiped with a damp cloth to keep them clean.
Size: Diameter: 39 cm, height: 5 cm
Cost: $50/board plus postage
10+ boards for your school or classroom: $45/board

To order email me on: lut@imagostudio.co.nz with your name, how many you want and where you want me to send them to. Once I have the postage price, I will send you the invoice with payment details and post them to you.